Here’s a photo from last summer of my neighbour (left).Watched a few tutorials on the internet machine today about CC in LAB color mode and thought I’d give it a go.
I started with pushing up the colors in LAB color mode and then ended upp choking them a bit with a few different adjustment layers along with some masking of them.
Bit of dodging and burning and yadda yada.
A later look revealed an unwanted flare across his shirt. Thought about trying to remove it but I couldn’t be bothered with the effort. Cropped it and sharpened it. All changes was made in LAB color mode.
Don’t know really but I think it looks a lot better than the rather flat picture straight out of camera? 

>LAB är hela det synliga spektrat. Bra att redigera i ibland om man tappat täckning i det mörkaste eller det ljusaste. Bra att veta är också att när man sedan konverterar till RGB (adobeRGB för arkivering eller tryck, sRGB för web) så tappar man bort en hel del av det som fanns i LAB-rymden. Det finns en risk att man får "bandningar" i mjuka övergångar.